


About Vito

Vito is an adorable, friendly and affectionate older pod who is with our friends in Tanamera protectora. Although his passport says he is only 4, they are certain he is actually a lot older, Jacky reckons he may be around 10. This is what the volunteers say about him. Vito. Aprox 10 years. Castrated. Vito was rescued from a perrera, and went to kennels to be rehomed. Sadly this backfired and the lady that ran the kennels neglected him for months. When finally the rescuers got him back, he was skinnier than ever, but luckily did not lose his love for humans. Vito is an older chap, but still energetic and loves his walks. His affection for people is beyond belief. We can see he has been hurt by people/hunters, as he sometimes cowards away and throws himself on the floor. But he never stops loving and all he wants is to be loved. Vito is great with kids too! With all humans really. He likes female dogs, but can sometimes have issues with dominant males. So we would prefer him to be with females. Cats we do not know yet, but can be tested. If anyone has a Vito sized space on their sofa and in their hearts, get in touch and we can arrange everything.

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