Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about podencos and adopting/fostering with PINS.

What is a podenco?

A Podenco is a breed of hunting dog originating from Spain. They are an athletic and agile breed, and are highly intelligent dogs. Podencos can make fantastic pets and they have plenty of personality!

What is PINS?

Podencos in Need (PINS) is a registered charity (SCIO) SC052622 run by a team of volunteers to rescue & rehome podencos.

I already have a dog. Can I adopt from PINS?

Yes! However, please note that we will carry out a home check that includes meeting any resident dogs, and PINS will not place a dog in a home with an unneutered resident dog of any age or sex.

Are there any restrictions on veterinary treatment or medications for PINS dogs?


How do I apply to foster/adopt?

Please contact us and we'll send you an application form.

What’s the reason for not using the pharmaceutical flea and tick treatments?

At least 4 PINS dogs have had adverse neurological reactions caused by bravecto. It has resulted in seizures, permanent tremors, and has caused some to develop epilepsy which has then been fatal. Bravecto, and the other treatments we do not allow, are pesticide based - containing fluralaner - which has veterinary research showing it crosses the blood brain barrier in some dogs which causes neurological problems. We advise that there is no sense in using a potentially dangerous pesticide to prevent fleas (which cannot actually harm a dog) which most of us will never encounter on our dogs, and ticks when less than 4% of ticks carry harmful diseases like Lyme disease (these are also far less likely to affect a dog than a human).

What can I use instead?

Products such as Cedarside, various Neem based sprays and food supplements such as Billy No Mates are used with some success. We advise combing or brushing your dog after walks in areas where ticks may be present and simply removing any if you find them. You can also ask in our PINS Podparent Advice and Support page to see what others suggest.

Are dogs neutered prior to travel?

Yes, dogs must be neutered before they can travel. If you are adopting a puppy which is too young to be neutered, you must have the procedure done at a time agreed upon by PINS.

How much does it actually cost to re-home a dog?

We ask for a minimum fee of £500 for an adult dog and £650 for a not yet neutered dog, however we can then offer £150 back towards the cost of getting them neutered here. PINS costs are only if they do not need any veterinary treatment and get an offer of a home immediately upon us rescuing them, so this fee may increase.

Why adopt from Spain and not the UK?

Podencos and Galgos are often abused and mistreated in Spain due to the country’s welfare laws excluding the hunting dogs from protection. It is nearly impossible for the Spanish authorities to bring charges against the hunters for mistreatment of their dogs. Also, many people find out about the breeds and want to adopt one, but they are not available from breeders in the UK.

Why do you not home a dog to a home with an un-neutered resident dog?

Our dogs are always neutered (unless they are too young, in which case it must still be done as stated in the contract) and in our previous experiences homing one of our dogs with a resident un-neutered dog causes friction between the dogs, and often results in the adoption failing. Our dogs are often recently neutered so their hormones may be in flux. The new dog is already at a disadvantage coming into a new home that is the territory of the resident dog. the resident dog not being neutered can increase feelings of fear and uncertainty in the new dog even if the problem doesn't necessarily come from the resident dog. We also advocate for dogs to be neutered as so many are bred and abandoned every year. We cannot risk one of our rescues being placed in a home where the owners breed dogs.

Can I adopt with young children?

Families with young children are able to adopt our dogs, however we would only offer adoption of a dog being fostered in the UK so that applicants could meet beforehand. Home-checks would be done with an accompanying dog to assess the children's behaviour around them.

I work full time but from home, can I still apply?

Usually, no. However, if the work allows a lot of flexibility then it may be possible. This is due to a new dog possibly being disruptive, needy, or noisy, so they would need frequent attention and to be let out instantly throughout the day, which is not possible if you are expected to be online constantly. If your work is flexible enough for us to consider the application, we would work to find a dog that would be more suited to you, such as an older or calmer one.

Are the dogs blood tested for Mediterranean diseases prior to travel?

When dogs come into our care they have extensive blood tests done, and if they are found to be positive for one of the mediterranean diseases treatment is carried out immediately. Most diseases can be resolved with a course of antibiotics. Leishmaniasis is one that cannot be "cured" in this way. The dog may have had a response to the sandfly which causes it, but the disease does not become active. This can be solved by putting them on a short drug course, however if the disease is active we treat them with a more intense drug and re-test in 3-6 months. Even with these blood tests, some things can lie dormant in the dogs system and appear later, however this is very unusual.

Can I use worming treatments?

Yes, you should worm your dog regularly. You can get worming treatments from a licensed veterinarian, we recommend Milbemax/Milpro, these drugs have not been associated with any severe side effects.