


About Arturo

Update: Arturo is still very nervous of people, strange sights, sudden noises. Heavens knows what this poor boy has been through. He trusts Becky who feeds him now, but whoever takes on this poor damaged soul will have to be calm, gentle and have endless patience. We also think Arturo isn't 100% galgo. He may have a bit of pod in him and he may also have a bit of mastin - who knows, in any case, we are sure you'll agree, he's a lovely boy. UPDATE: Arturo continues to be shy with humans, he isn't terrified, just seems not to understand human contact much. We think with a calm home and patience, he will quickly learn the benefits of having his own humans Arturo is a beautiful big galgo who's date of birth is May 2021, so he will be 3 soon. Of the 9 galgos we have just brought into resi with Becky, he is the most timid and is going to take some time to start to trust we think. He is a beautiful gentle lad though. Arturo's Galgo Angel is Zillah MacDonald

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