

Spain, permanent foster agreed

About Grandma

Update 22/1/25 - Grandma! :) All we really have to say about this little old lady is that she is completely adorable. She very clearly loves her new comforts and relative freedom, She loves her naps in a comfy warm spot like the sofa, she loves to be invited to share breakfast and she has absolutely no problem with any of the other dogs, in fact, despite her age, she will now instigate a little 5 minute play with some of them :) She does love affection from a human and she is completely uninterested in the cat at all.
Update 18th Dec - Grandma has settled so well into her new life at residencia with Corinna. It is so many thousands of miles better than what she had been used to all her life.
Grandma found the comfy sofa very early and makes sure she has prime position when Corinna sits down to breakfast, just in case any comes her way. As you can see, she happily goes around with all the other dogs of all types and has no issues with them at all.
Grandma is in good health. She has a lump on her side which the vet has said is probably nothing to worry about, but certainly not hampering her life in any way and, at 14, we wouldn't be doing any major surgeries to remove it.
We hope Grandma will have a few more years to enjoy this new good life - hopefully one in an actual home where all the comforts are hers for the taking.
We will only send Grandma to an adoptive home as we feel the less changes for her the better. Someone out there must be looking for a very loving little older lady to potter about and share their love and their sofa with?
Mar and Grandma both look to be podenco crosses. We have been asked to help as they have so far spent their whole life in a perrera, no soft beds or blankets, concrete floors and only the basic necessities available for them. The visiting volunteers do their very best to give all the dogs some attention, but as you all know, it's a drop in the ocean.
Grandma is the older one, the one with the white face. She is 14 years old! 14 years in a cage! She may only have a short time left, but, with good care and love and kindness, who knows, she could have another 4 years.

Both girls are quite timid, but not terrified, so will just need a quiet loving home where their adopters will give them time and patience to adjust to their new lives.
Both girls seem absolutely unbothered by cats.
Mar and Grandma have their own albums as they can be homed separately or together.

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