


About Ebano

Ebano, aka Ebony, Ebs, Ebeneezer the Skinny Geezer, has a sad tale to tell. This lovely older galgo was homed by us back in 2018. On Hogmanay, I got a call from the SSPCA to say Ebs had been seized, along with his greyhound brother, Rocky, for welfare reasons. I went immediately and collected both dogs - Rocky was signed over to PINS and has been homed with his foster mum now. Both boys were in a very poor state, but are recovering well now. Ebs has put on weight, nails are all clipped and has had a dental to sort out his poor mouth. He is now ready to look for his forever home. Ebs is 9 but still a very happy, active boy who loves his walks. He currently lives with PINS dog Ripley and they get on fine. Ebs can be vocal and reactive to other dogs when out on lead, so ideally someone who will keep working with him on this. He was also reactive to many other things like cars, but his fosterer has been doing great work at deconditioning him, so he can now happily walk through the town without getting stressed. He's a clever lad who is now thriving so deserves the very best human to give him his permanent retirement home.

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